Christina Tarkoff Oil Paintings

Every Painting Tells A Story

holiday shopping

7 Reasons Why Art Makes The Perfect Gift! (It's not too late.)

Christina Tarkoff

Click Above for 30-second video on Why Art Makes the Perfect Gift!]

7 Reasons Why Art Makes The Perfect Gift:

Art is…

1. Personal.

2. Memorable.

3. Thoughtful.

4. Beautiful.

5. Lasts a Lifetime.

6. Art is the thing people don’t think they need until they receive it! (a riff on the Andy Warhol quote.)

7. Art is Unlike Any Other Gift!

It’s not too late to gift your favorite folks

with Christina Tarkoff Art!

If you have been eyeing a piece of my art…

Email, phone or text me! I’m sure we can work something out!